Video of our B litter

For our B-litter we were thinking of something fresh and new to keep all the nice memories: A video captured by our dear friend Melissa Jesse. We love it very much and had to stifle a few tears the first time we watched it. The video expresses exactly what we feel, we are very absorbed in what we do as breeders and I think you can feel that very clearly in this video. In the video you can see the puppies of our B litter, the Black&Tan male Tanjiro, the Creme male Shiro and the BT female Toya. Our pack members Yoshi and Soba and of course the mother of the litter Panda could not be missing in the video of course. We don’t like being in front of the camera ourselves, but of course we bit the bullet for this special project, so you can also see the brains behind Ikigai-ken, Edwin and me, Alisa, in the video 🙂